Tag: Barrio Gótico

El bus a demanda en Barcelona: una verdadera innovación para el transporte urbano

The on-demand bus in Barcelona: a true innovation for urban transport

The on-demand bus service ‘El meu Bus’ is gaining more and more followers in Barcelona, offering a comfortable and flexible alternative for the city’s residents. Since its launch in 2019, this proximity…

Santa Jordina, el nuevo mural de TvBoy en Barcelona

Santa Jordina, TvBoy’s new mural in Barcelona

The Catalan capital has always been the ideal setting for bold and provocative artistic expressions. This time, the talented urban artist known as TvBoy has once again left his mark on the…

La Tiña amenaza silenciosamente en las barberías "low cost"

Ringworm silently threatens “low cost” barbershops

In recent times, a worrying trend has been emerging among adolescent males who frequent low-cost barbershops in Catalonia: the spread of ringworm, a contagious fungal infection that affects the skin. Dermatologists have…

Prohíben la toma de selfies y vídeos en escaleras mecánicas cerca de la Sagrada Familia

Selfies and videos on escalators near Sagrada Familia prohibited

The Barcelona metro has implemented a new security measure that prohibits the taking of photographs, including selfies and videos, from escalators near the Sagrada Familia. This decision comes in response to concerns…

Badiani y sus helados de rosas para el Día de Sant Jordi

Badiani and its rose ice creams for Sant Jordi’s Day

Sant Jordi’s Day is an emblematic date in Barcelona, where the streets are filled with roses and books, and the city is impregnated with a magical and festive atmosphere. In this beautiful…