Tag: beaches

Basílica del Pi lidera misas diarias para rogar por la lluvia

Basilica del Pi leads daily masses to pray for rain

In a context of drought emergency in Catalonia, the Basilica of Santa Maria del Pi has taken the initiative to organize a series of daily masses from March 1 to 9, 2024,…

Se incrementaron los delitos en Barcelona un 8,6% durante 2023

Crime in Barcelona increased by 8.6% in 2023

Crime in Barcelona has experienced an increase of 8.6% in 2023, according to data provided by the Barcelona City Council and the Department of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya, reaching…

Ante la crisis hídrica, Cataluña adopta medidas extremas

Faced with water crisis, Catalonia adopts extreme measures

The drought has led Catalonia to take unprecedented measures to address the water crisis facing the region. Faced with the imperative need to preserve water for human consumption, the Generalitat of Catalonia,…

Cataluña: el epicentro del turismo de camping en España

Catalonia: the epicenter of camping tourism in Spain

Catalonia has become the star destination for camping lovers in Spain, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE) that reveal a significant boom in this form of tourism during the…

Duchas de tres minutos en los gimnasios para combatir la sequía en Barcelona

Three-minute showers at gyms to combat drought in Barcelona

The drought situation in Barcelona has led to the declaration of the emergency phase, generating the implementation of extraordinary measures to face this problem. In this context, the Associació Catalana d’Entitats de…