Tag: plazas

Barcelona pionera en aprovechar el agua para combatir la sequía

Barcelona pioneers the use of water to combat drought

The city of Barcelona is at the forefront of the fight against drought with an innovative measure: using the water used in showers to flush toilets. This initiative, which is part of…

Nace una cría de Gacela Dama Mohor en el Zoo de Barcelona

A Dama Mohor Gazelle calf is born at Barcelona Zoo

In the continuous effort to preserve biodiversity and protect endangered species, the Barcelona Zoo has witnessed an extraordinary event: the birth of a baby Dama Mohor Gazelle. This is cause for great…

Se incrementaron los delitos en Barcelona un 8,6% durante 2023

Crime in Barcelona increased by 8.6% in 2023

Crime in Barcelona has experienced an increase of 8.6% in 2023, according to data provided by the Barcelona City Council and the Department of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya, reaching…

La Ronda de Dalt será cubierta a partir de junio de 2024

The Ronda de Dalt will be covered as of June 2024

Barcelona’s urban transformation continues to advance with the Ronda de Dalt overlay project, a measure that promises to improve the quality of life of residents and revitalize the neighborhoods through which the…