Tag: qué hacer en barcelona

Convención bianual de McDonald's en Barcelona satura la industria hotelera

McDonald’s biannual convention in Barcelona saturates hotel industry

McDonald’s upcoming biannual convention in Barcelona from April 8-11, 2024, has sparked a furor in the city’s hospitality industry. With the estimated participation of 15,000 company executives from 135 countries, the event…

'I AM (VR)': realidad virtual en el Teatre Lliure de Barcelona

I AM (VR)’: virtual reality at the Teatre Lliure of Barcelona

The Teatre Lliure de Montjuïc in Barcelona, becomes the stage for an unprecedented immersive experience: ‘I AM (VR)’, a proposal by Susanne Kennedy, Markus Selg and Rodrik Biersteker that transports spectators on…

Maratón Zurich Marató Barcelona 2024: novedades, horario y favoritos

Zurich Marató Barcelona 2024: news and favorites

The Zurich Marató Barcelona celebrates its 45th edition today, Sunday, March 10, and this year brings with it exciting new features: a new course and an impressive list of favorites that promise…