Tag: viajar a Barcelona

Barcelona avanza para convertirse en una ciudad más sostenible

Barcelona moves forward to become a more sustainable city

Over the years, Barcelona has undergone a gradual transformation to become a more sustainable city at the urban level. Over time, there has been a growing commitment to protecting the environment and…

Jornadas de puertas abiertas en el Puerto de Barcelona

Open days at the Port of Barcelona

The Port of Barcelona has always been a fundamental part of the city’s life. However, beyond simply being a point of entry and exit of goods, what do we really know about…

El bus a demanda en Barcelona: una verdadera innovación para el transporte urbano

The on-demand bus in Barcelona: a true innovation for urban transport

The on-demand bus service ‘El meu Bus’ is gaining more and more followers in Barcelona, offering a comfortable and flexible alternative for the city’s residents. Since its launch in 2019, this proximity…