The audiovisual show that illuminates Casa Batlló: February 1 to 2, 2025

Casa Batlló, Antonio Gaudí’s masterpiece in Barcelona, is preparing to host a show that promises to leave everyone speechless. From February 1 to 2, 2025, the building’s famous façade will be dressed to the nines with a breathtaking mapping. This event, which has gained worldwide attention, attracts visitors every year for its creativity and stunning visuals. With only a few days to go, the anticipation is palpable and what is to come promises to be a true visual feast.

On February 1 and 2, 2025, the façade of Casa Batlló will once again attract the public.a tribute to nature

This year, the show entitled Arborescent will focus on nature. The mapping will mimic *natural behaviors and dynamics* of the botanical world, highlighting structures that resemble trees. This is not only a visual feast, but an acknowledgement of the hidden geometry of nature. With projections inspired by algorithms, the arboreal elements will come to life on the famous façade of Casa Batlló.

Live a unique experience at Casa Batlló’s Magical Nights.

The artist Quayola, in charge of this incredible spectacle, describes his creation as something that “grows, connects with the architectural elements and sways”. Through this work, the wind becomes an essential component that *imitates* the movement of the branches. Thus, a hybrid space is formed, between the natural and the architectural world. The result is captivating, transforming the facade into an interactive work of art.

perfect synchronization between image and sound

What makes Arborescent even more special is its original soundtrack, also created by Quayola. This music is a blend of the traditional and the algorithmic, complementing the visual spectacle impeccably. Each musical element has been designed to follow the rhythm of the growth of the botanical projections. It is as if each leaf, each branch, has its own melody that resonates throughout the work. Quayola uses custom software that transforms sounds and music into *auditory experiences* that enrich the visualization. This invites viewers into a world where they not only see, but also feel. The combination of these two art forms creates a unique immersive experience that leaves a memorable impression on those who enjoy it.

the fusion of botany and architecture

One of the most outstanding challenges of this project was precisely to merge *nature* with the fascinating architecture of Casa Batlló. Quayola set out not only to adapt to the geometry of the building, but also to make *trees* and *shrubs* integrate organically. This approach has resulted in a new aesthetic that allows the viewer to contemplate a dance between the digital and the natural. Quayola himself mentions that “the most fascinating part was to simulate the impact of artificial wind.” This approach highlights how art can reinterpret reality through the eyes of technology. His work invites us to question the relationship between humans, nature, and the architectural wonders we have created over the years.

exploring gaudí’s legacy

Quayola has been recognized for his ability to reinvent historical heritage. In this sense, exploring Gaudi’s work has allowed him to synthesize positive inspirations from nature and turn them into a modern representation. The result is an innovative work that challenges our conception of tradition and *technology*. Reflecting on his experience working on Casa Batlló, Quayola stresses the importance of nature as an inexhaustible source of artistic inspiration. His words resonate powerfully, “Delving into Gaudí’s work reaffirms the infinite power of nature.” This approach not only brings the mapping to life, but also invites viewers to contemplate their own connection to the natural world.

institutional support behind the mapping

The ISE Foundation has decided to be the main sponsor of the event this year. This fair is the largest in the audiovisual sector and its support highlights the enormous relevance that has the mapping in the cultural agenda of Barcelona. In this regard, Mike Blackman, CEO of ISE, expressed his pride in supporting a show that highlights the beauty of audiovisual technology. On the other hand, the SONAR Foundation also joins the event, integrating its development in the activities to commemorate its 30th anniversary. This collaboration between art and music seeks to take the practical representation of mapping to an even higher level, consolidating itself as a cultural reference in Catalonia.

Nature and architecture of innovative forms

The mapping of Casa Batlló is not only a visual spectacle, it is an experience that connects the public with nature and architecture in innovative ways. As attendees prepare to experience this extraordinary production, expectations are rising. Undoubtedly, the event will position itself as a phenomenon within the cultural circuit of the city and beyond. In short, the *mapping* Arborescent is not only a tribute to Casa Batlló, but becomes a hymn to nature, a play between the technological and the artistic that captivates and invites reflection. —