The budget of the Barcelona Sailing Center increases by more than 700,000 euros

The budget of the Barcelona Sailing Center increases by more than 700,000 eurosThe budget of the Barcelona Sailing Center increases by more than 700,000 euros. For this reason, the municipal disbursements that the celebration of the America’s Cup in Barcelona have entailed are great. A total of 3.5 million euros will be invested in the renovation of Barcelona’s coastal neighborhoods, with the aim of carrying out activities.

More than 200,000 euros are earmarked for the extension of a fiber optic network on the beach or 170,000 euros dedicated to the reinforcement of the municipal computer system for the competition.

Integral rehabilitation of the Sailing Center

Among the works promoted by the City Council, the integral rehabilitation of the Sailing Center stands out, which includes one of the emblematic facilities built for the 1992 Olympic Games, where deficiencies were evident over the years.

3.5 million euros were commissioned to carry out materialization work on the new Barcelona facility. This is an amount that reaches more than 700,000 additional euros for carrying out the works not planned in the initial project.

Original Project

It should be noted that the original project for the remodeled Municipal Sailing Center was increased to 3,592,905 euros. Likewise, these have been controlled by the public company Barcelona d’Infraestructures Municipals (BIMSA) and carried out by the company OHL.

This initiative is part of the actions included in the strategic master plan of the new Port Olímpic. The inauguration of the equipment also highlights that, little by little, deficiencies have been detected that have been resolved with partial works.

Barcelona Sailing Center: interior to be modified

The exterior building has 24 pyramidal skylights ascending the moll of Gregal, will remain as it is today, but its interior will be modified. In this sense, the text of the project details that an integral rehabilitation is faced in order to be able to adjust to the new needs of the center. This is at the functional level, as well as facilities, comfort, compliance and efficiency criteria.

The interior compartmentalization will be renovated and the structural elements will be maintained with the necessary repairs and renovations for future use. Therefore, the only novelty that stands out will be the new 326 square meter multi-purpose hall, which will have a terrace available.

Rehabilitation costs soar

It should be noted that in May, a modification of the project involving new works was approved, which increased the cost of the integral rehabilitation by an additional 711,496 euros compared to the original initiative.

It should also be noted that the final bill will increase to 4,304,401 euros. The removal of existing furniture and intervention in structural pathologies are the main modifications that show the increase in expenditure. In addition to the other requirements of Barcelona Serveis Municipals and the Institut Barcelona Esports (IBE).

Finally, it should be mentioned that there is still no completion date. These are works that were planned for the premiere of the renovated facility on the occasion of the America’s Sailing Cup. The work is expected to be completed in the spring of this year.