The great metamorphosis of La Rambla: Transformation works begin

The great metamorphosis of La Rambla Transformation works beginThe great metamorphosis of the Rambla is about the works of this reform. On June 17, work began to completely change the promenade, which is about three years old. This planning is defined according to the calendar update promoted by the municipal government, in order to reduce to 3 years what initially corresponded to 6 years of works that were foreseen.

These works have started with the works on the other four sections: Liceu-Portaferrissa, Santa Madrona- Arc del Teatro, Arc del Teatro-Liceu and Portaferrissa- Canaletes.

Renewal will end at the beginning of 2027

This renovation is one of the most recognized and representative promenades of the city and will be carried out during this term of office and will be completed in early 2027. Today, the final stretch of the works on the Rambla between Colón and Santa Madrona is being undertaken. Of the five areas defined by this executive project, they are expected to be completed during July.

With these first works of institution of the work, were launched after last night in which the new mobility has been implemented that will be from the day it began until the works last.

Provisional crossings enabled

In this way, provisional vehicle crossings have been set up in order to allow access and exit to the Gòtic neighborhood, thus guaranteeing the passage of emergency vehicles and goods distribution (DUM). Circulation does not exist in the sea direction.

During these first months, the circulation will be on the Raval side of the roadway, that is, mobility along the Rambla. This mobility gives access to the promenade will remain under a scheme that is valid from June 17 until the first months of construction. It will then be adapted to the needs of the phase changes and construction work.

Once the modifications are made, the information will be duly provided through the established channels.

General phases of the works of the great metamorphosis of the Rambla

These works will be carried out all at the same time along the entire promenade. They will be carried out in stages in order to minimize as much as possible the inconvenience to merchants and neighbors.

It should be noted that the sidewalk on the Besós side will be affected for the last 10 months. In addition, during this phase, these vehicles will circulate in the direction of Catalunya on the roadway where the road goes down to Colón.

After 10 months, work will be done on the Llobregat lateral and on the Besòs uphill roadway, which will be completed in the previous stage. During the last months of work, the central promenade will be approached by alternating paths in order to guarantee pedestrian access at all times. And, of course, by this time the lateral sections will have been completed and both directions of traffic would be recovered.