Tell us about yourself, who is Cristina Baigorri? I am a person who is enthusiastic about fulfilling dreams. These days I am rereading a book (“First you have to learn to row”…
The people of Barcelona say
S.P.B. : Tell us, who is Silvano? S.M: I was born in Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea, formerly known as Santa Isabel. Equatorial Guinea is a former Spanish colony, the only…
In times like these it is very nice to see how people who represent the future and hope of our country continue to fight to carry out their dreams. Today salirporbarcelona meets…
Tell us something about yourself, who is Carla Romagosa and what do you do? I was born and raised in Barcelona and have lived in Paris, Venezuela, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.…
Juanma Romero, one of the most beloved voices of Spanish radio. Juanma joins us every weekend in the mornings of the program “ ¿Me Pones? “on EUROPA FM profile picture instagram@juanmaromero SPB.…
It is natural that the best way to get to know a city is by the hand of those who live it every day. Today we meet Georgina Mallafrè. Originally from Tarragona,…