This is how Barcelona will be illuminated this Christmas

Christmas lights in Passeig de GraciaWith the arrival of Christmas, Barcelona prepares to dazzle residents and visitors with a variety of events that go beyond the typical celebrations. The mayor, Jaume Collboni, presented a program that fuses tradition and innovation, bringing culture to the streets of Barcelona.

With more than 300 shows, 80 companies and 235 artists, the city will dress up to offer citizens more than one reason to go out and enjoy the festivities. Collboni stresses that Christmas in Barcelona will have “one foot in tradition and the other in innovation”, in addition to transmitting a message of peace in an international context marked by conflicts.

Visual Innovation with Sónar at Christmas: Analema at Plaza Universitat

One of the most outstanding novelties this year is the interactive audiovisual installation of Sónar, called Analema. Located in Universitat square, this cylindrical installation of 30 meters in diameter will be part of the Barcelona Festival de Nadal.

Developed by Glasswork as part of the 30th anniversary of the festival, Analema will present its show to the public during the day to emit at night a tower of light that will be part of the Barcelona skyline.

Antònia Folguera and Xavi Tribó, representatives of Sónar and Glassworks, emphasize that the duo of “folk a cappella” Tarta Relena will be live with the installation on December 16 at 21 hours and 21 at 20 hours. This visual and musical proposal promises to immerse viewers in a unique experience.

Theater, music and visual arts in Plaza de Catalunya

As part of the Barcelona Festival de Nadal, the Plaça de Catalunya will witness daily, at 8 pm, the show ‘Una taula’, by the Agrupació Senyor Serrano. This large-format theater, music and visual arts show will revolve around family Christmas meals, offering a unique experience for those seeking a fusion of different art forms.

Spectacular illumination with the lighting of lights on November 23rd

On Thursday, November 23 at 6 p.m., Barcelona will light up with a visual Christmas story that will include circus, music, dance and light at Passeig de Gràcia and Casp.

Inspired by Assumpció Català, the first professional female astronomer in Spain, this light show will be presented by the Obskené company, with the collaboration of Big Band Mambo Jambo and Swing Cats. Funambulists and acrobatic bicycles will add a touch of magic to this celebration that will officially mark the beginning of the holiday season.

Decentralized celebrations, Sons de Ciutat

To decentralize the celebrations, the Sons de Ciutat festival will offer 100 concerts in different districts, with 10 concerts in each. From jazz to indie, folk or pop, musical diversity will be present at this event that will take place from December 9 to January 4.

Varied Proposals: Responsible Consumption, Fairs and More

The Fira de Consum Responsable i d’Economia Sostenible, the Fira de Santa Llúcia, the Fira de Reyes and the Fira del Port, the parade, the Barcelona Christmas Tour, and the Fàbrica de Joguines at Fabra i Coats are just some of the municipal proposals that complete the rich Christmas offer of the city. For more information, you can visit the official website:

Font Màgica will not operate on New Year’s Eve due to the Drought

The Barcelona City Council has announced that the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc will not be able to be part of the New Year’s Eve show due to the drought decree. However, the celebration will take place on Maria Cristina Avenue with music, pyrotechnics and a monumental scenography, promising a spectacular and innovative experience.