Vall d’Hebron metro station changes its name

Vall d'Hebron metro station changes name

Last weekend, a Barcelona subway stop officially changed its name. Vall d’Hebron station is now called Vall d’Hebron – Sant Genís, according to the Autoritat del Transport Metropolità (ATM).

The modification was carried out after the recommendations of the Nomenclature Commission, which brings together administrations and transport operators, and with the advice of the Institute of Catalan Studies.

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The name change aims to “give meaning to the entire public rail transport network as an integrated system”, as well as to “adapt the name of the station to the reality of the place where they are located”.

The neighbors of the area had asked to include the part of Sant Genís in the name of the Vall d’Hebron stop, and the ATM decided to do so.

The change of name of Vall d’Hebron station

This modification, although small, is a sign of the commitment of the Barcelona authorities to improve the user experience on public transport.

The integrated public rail transport system is crucial to the city’s mobility. Changes like this help users to better orient themselves and feel more comfortable using the service.

In addition to the renaming of the Vall d’Hebron stop, progress has also been made on the extension of L4 of the Barcelona Metro between La Pau and La Sagrera stations.

According to the Generalitat de Catalunya, the extension will involve an investment of 375 million euros and will have three new stations: Santander, Sagrera-TAV and La Sagrera.

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The Barcelona Metro L4 extension project is an important step in the improvement of the city’s public transport system.

The addition of three new stations on L4 will allow users to reach more destinations and reduce travel time on certain routes.

This may be especially beneficial for people living in less-traveled areas of the city, who may find it more difficult to reach their destination using existing public transportation.

The renaming of the Vall d’Hebron metro stop is a small but important change that demonstrates the commitment of the Barcelona authorities to improve the city’s public transport system.

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L4 extension works

In addition, the extension of L4 of the Barcelona Metro is an important step in the improvement of the city’s public transport system.

These improvements can help make Barcelona’s public transport more comfortable and efficient for users.

The extension of L4 of the Barcelona Metro between La Pau and Sagrera stations is a reality that is getting closer and closer.

The section will have three new stations: Sagrera, Santander and Sagrera-TAV.