Venezuelans in Barcelona turn out en masse to the polls

Venezuelans in Barcelona turn out en masse to vote for a Venezuela with no strings attachedVenezuelans in Barcelona massively go to the polls for a Venezuela without ties. Yesterday hundreds of Venezuelans came early in the morning to the Casal de Barrio de Trinitat Nova in order to exercise their right to vote. Citizens of the South American country who reside in Catalonia, Valencia, Aragon and the Balearic Islands, and who, although they are far from their homeland, were ready to participate in the most important elections of the last 10 years in the federal state.

Statements by the electorate

As explained by one of the 7,000 women voters called to vote at this point, Maira Ortiz, in declarations to ACN: “We must raise our voices for a free and unbound Venezuela”. Also expressed Heidi Duque, who made a call to join the struggle to achieve the change that the country needs and so that the displaced “who fled in droves can return to their land”.

Venezuelans in Barcelona: 5 voting points enabled

The Casal de Barrio Trinitat Nova, which corresponds to one of the five voting points set up throughout the territory of Spain to coincide with these elections, opened its doors at half past six in the morning. Then, 45 minutes later than planned. According to the organization, this civic center was closed and 14 polling stations could not be set up. In addition to this eventuality, voting took place in a joyful atmosphere. Many citizens were festively dressed with hats, T-shirts and ribbons with the Venezuelan colors.

Participation of 90% of Venezuelans

The electoral coordinator of Comando Venezuela, Richard Sanchez, main leader of the candidacy of Edmundo Gonzalez pointed out that he celebrates his high voter turnout. This is proof of which were the queues that were organized from very early in the morning outside the center. Sanchez pointed out the following: “People are living it with a lot of hope because they know that today is a historic day”. He indicated that he expected at least 90% of the Venezuelans eligible to vote in this voting center to participate. Likewise, he criticized what the consulate of the South American country did by hindering the process, preventing the 70,000 Venezuelans living in the State from registering and processing the change of residence to vote. The 7,000 who today can exercise their right to vote in this house do not represent even 5% of those who really should be able to do so”, he said. He added that in Barcelona alone there are 30,000 displaced people. This is a figure that increases to 8 million worldwide.

Venezuelans in Barcelona: displaced against the regime

The vast majority of the people who came to the Casal Barri Trinitat Nova are Venezuelans, who for economic or political reasons were forced to leave their country in search of opportunities. All this, has made many voters are opponents of the regime of Nicolas Maduro. Taking advantage of this opportunity to put an end to the 25 uninterrupted years of Chavista leadership. Initially led by former President Hugo Chávez, elected in 1998, and later by Nicolás Maduro.

Sunday, July 28th brings hope to Venezuelans

In this sense, Elgia Riera, who arrived in the country 7 years ago with her daughter, points out. “When the situation began to affect the refrigerator it was clear to us that we had to leave.” In addition, she indicated that the situation of insecurity experienced in the country was unsustainable. It is worth mentioning that Riera pointed out that Sunday’s event offers hope and a possibility for Venezuela to start again. From his point of view, he pointed out that the people have learned their lesson. Therefore, he insists that this situation may improve if there is a change of government. On the other hand, another voter, Heidi Duque, pointed out that “faith is the last thing to be lost”, and therefore, she indicated that a change is urgently needed in Venezuela. In this way, people who fled Venezuela will be able to return to their country. Duque also points out that, although he has been living with his family for eighteen years, he is fully integrated. With all this, he says that he carries Venezuela in his heart and that exercising his right to vote is a way to support them to get out of this regime.