Victoria González Torralba from Barcelona wins the IV Paco Camarasa Award for Crime Novels

Victoria González Torralba from Barcelona wins the IV Paco Camarasa Award for Crime Novels

The Barcelona writer Victoria González Torralba has recently been awarded the IV Paco Camarasa Prize for Crime Novels for her second work, “Buenos Tiempos” (Good Times), consolidating her position as a leading author in the genre.

The jury, composed of heads of prominent crime novel festivals in Spain, highlighted the literary strength, the intimate atmosphere and the originality that opens new doors in the genre.

The novel, published by Siruela, transports readers to Spain in the 1970s, during the country’s tourist awakening.

The plot is triggered by a sinister discovery in a village on the Mediterranean coast, transforming Laura, the unwitting protagonist, into an investigator who finds herself immersed in a plot full of intriguing characters.

The award-winning work

“Buenos Tiempos” represents the second novel by González Torralba, who previously captivated readers with “Llámame Méndez” (Planeta), a prequel to the series of the famous inspector created by his father, the renowned writer Francisco González Ledesma and which was a finalist for the Tuber Melanosporum-Morella Negra Award (2018) and the Cubelles Noir Award (2018).

Along with the award-winning González Torralba, three other novels were also shortlisted for the prize:

  • “Crisanta” by Juan Ramón Biedma.
  • “Hontoria” by Juan Carlos Galindo.
  • “La ley del padre” by Carlos Augusto Casas.

The author (Barcelona, 1966), with a degree in Information Sciences, has left her mark in various publications, especially in cultural, women’s and travel magazines.

The jury, composed of experts from renowned festivals such as Aragón Negro, BCNegra, Las Casas Ahorcadas de Cuenca, Getafe Negro, Semana Negra de Gijón, Granada Noir, Pamplona Negra, Congreso de Novela y Cine Negro de Salamanca and Valencia Negra, highlighted the quality and literary strength of “Buenos Tiempos”.

The jury highlighted the authentic and solid narrative, far from gimmicky twists, and the breath of fresh air it represents in the panorama of national noir literature.

The author, Victoria González Torralba, expressed her satisfaction for the recognition and shared the emotion of having Paco Camarasa’s name linked to “Buenos Tiempos”.

The award offers him the opportunity to participate in the nine festivals is an honor that boosts his literary career. With this new achievement, González Torralba joins the list of outstanding authors in the Spanish crime novel scene and his work is presented as a valuable and original contribution to the genre.

About the IV Paco Camarasa – Crime Novel Award

The Paco Camarasa Award, created in 2020 and named in honor of the Valencian bookseller who ran the Negra y criminal bookstore in Barceloneta, aims to recognize emerging talents in crime novels.

Although it does not carry a financial award, the prize seeks to boost the winner’s literary career.