While schools are closed, the 30 km/h speed limit is eliminated.


While schools are closed, the 30 km/h speed limit is eliminated.

The Barcelona City Council has taken a controversial measure by eliminating the 30 km/h speed limit around the city’s schools.

From August 1, 2023, this limitation will only apply when schools are open, which means that outside school hours, on Sundays, public holidays and during the whole month of August, vehicles will be able to circulate at a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h.

Barcelona currently has 33 stretches of streets in the basic network that pass in front of schools and have a speed limit of 30 km/h, of which 12 are controlled by radars.

These radars will be modified to adapt to the new speed limits and 28 new educational radars will be installed inside the city.

The measure has generated controversy, as some consider that the safety of children attending the schools is being put at risk.

However, the City Council argues that this relaxation ensures the safety of students at school entrance and exit times, while allowing for greater traffic flow when schools are closed.

Relaxation of the 30 Km/h speed limit.

In addition to the relaxation of speed limits, new educational radars will be installed to make drivers aware of the speed at which they drive.

These radars will show the speed of the vehicle without penalties, except for three locations where the 30 km/h limit will be maintained.

The signaling of school environments will be modified starting in August and the work of adapting the radars and the installation of the new educational devices will be carried out in the next few days.

It is important to note that this measure does not mean a complete elimination of traffic regulations in school environments.

Drivers should exercise caution and respect road safety regulations, even outside the reduced speed limit times.

Thus, as of August 1, this limitation will only apply during school hours, while outside these hours, on Sundays, public holidays and during the month of August, vehicles will be allowed to circulate at a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h.

This measure aims to ensure the safety of children at school entrance and exit times, while at the same time improving traffic flow when schools are closed.

The installation of new educational radars to make drivers aware of the speed at which they drive is also intended to raise awareness of compliance with the law and strengthen road safety measures in the city.