Barcelona facilitates the emancipation of young people with grants for the purchase of household appliances and furniture

Barcelona facilitates the emancipation of young people with grants for the purchase of household appliances and furnitureThe rising cost of housing in Barcelona, particularly in the area of renting, has led the City Council to implement innovative measures to facilitate the emancipation of young people.

This initiative is part of the new Adolescence and Youth Plan 2023-2030 of Barcelona, which presents 190 lines of action, including the provision of grants for the purchase of household appliances and furniture with the aim of making independence more accessible to young people in the city.

The problem of emancipation of young people in Barcelona

The increase in rent prices and the notable rise in living costs in Barcelona, especially in the last month of August, have generated challenging conditions for the emancipation of young people.

Entire districts of the city have experienced record rental prices, making Barcelona the city with the most expensive rooms in shared apartments in Spain. This situation has made the task of emancipation an almost insurmountable challenge for most young residents.

About Barcelona’s Adolescence and Youth Plan

The Plan has a budget of 85 million euros and presents 190 lines of action, of which 73 are new, 52 are semi-new and 65 are maintained from the previous plan. Among the new proposals, the economic aid plan for the emancipation of young people stands out, although the requirements and the system for receiving them have not yet been specified.

Measures confirmed and maintained

The maintenance of the 30% set-aside of affordable rental and surface right allocations for the young population is a measure confirmed in the new plan.

In addition, 25% of the supply in the rental housing stock will be reserved. Although the criteria for accessing aid for household appliances and furniture have not yet been detailed, the initiative demonstrates the Barcelona City Council’s willingness to address the difficult situation faced by young people in becoming independent.

The Adolescence and Youth Plan will also promote scientific vocation in girls and STEAM programs with a gender perspective will be incorporated into the educational environment. In addition, an emotional education program will be implemented for all ages, addressing essential aspects for the integral development of young people.

Sport, addiction prevention and future evaluation

The sports area is also included in the plan, with the continuation of the youth rate in CEM until the age of 18 and awareness campaigns against violence in sports venues.

The fight against drug use and addictions, especially alcohol, cannabis and gambling, is also part of the plan, along with health promotion measures in schools and youth centers.