Barcelona reinforces subway security with the incorporation of 50 new agents

Barcelona reinforces subway security with the incorporation of 50 new agentsBarcelona reinforces metro security with the incorporation of 50 new agents. This is the Barcelona subway that has given record numbers of passengers. In addition to Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB), which is concerned about a record number of thefts in the facilities. In 2023, these thefts increased by 47%, with about a thousand reported per month. This figure has stagnated and remained the same for the first six months. This is in line with the rest of the crime indicators that are recorded on the surface.

Reinforced subway security and surveillance at stations

Therefore, this new contract for private security of the subway where a staffing of 50 security agents is foreseen now more than ever. This will reach 800 workers with the aim of guarding the stations. As well as the workshops and garages when graffiti artists try to do their thing when night comes. In this way, the increase of private security agents will have the presence of auditors in the anti-fraud controls, which have recently increased in the corridors of the subway.

Prosegur and Securitas have been awarded the contract.

On the other hand, Prosegur and Securitas comprise the two companies that have been drawn up with the contract for which TMB will be paying 168 million euros over the next four more years. This is 30 more than the previous time, in the hands of the same companies. This increase in investment is given to the 50 new agents, this in 5% more hours of service. In addition, the modernization of the sector agreement. This represents a total of 42 million per year in private security.

TMB facilities in the Sagrera neighborhood

It should be noted that it is outside the uniformed personnel, it is a surveillance that is done remotely. This goes from the security center, metro control and civil protection, which is located in these TMB facilities in the Sagrera neighborhood. It is from these offices that the increase in the flow of images provided in real time by the cameras that are distributed among the 165 stations of the metro network and inside the trains is evidenced.

Reinforces subway security: 10,000 cameras capture images in real time

There are more than 10,000 cameras capturing real-time images of all carriages and stations. These are tired travelers looking at their cell phones, people buying tickets and thieves attacking tourists who are absent-minded in the busiest stations. All this has been carried out by cameras that are monitored by private security personnel and TMB employees. This will prioritize the images received when the user touches the SOS button. Subsequently, what is reported can be retrieved according to the request of the Mossos d’Esquadra in order to identify those who represent the perpetrators of another crime or theft. This occurs in the security center where they find agents of the Mossos and the Guardia Urbana. With the aim of mobilizing their own quickly if the situation warrants.

10,000 cameras located throughout the entire network

Of the 10,000 cameras located throughout the metro network, 6,400 are located in the stations and 3,400 inside the trains. The result, according to the president of TMB, is: “A system that avoids impunity because any act of incivility or crime is recorded and the perpetrator can be identified”.

Reinforcing metro safety: bus modernization

It should be noted that this modernization of the buses allows the cameras to be progressively extended to the entire fleet of TMB vehicles on the surface in the same way as it was previously done underground. With the incorporation of 50 new agents, Barcelona reinforces metro security, which represents a significant step towards improving safety for public transport users. This reinforcement of personnel seeks to deter criminal acts and provide a sense of tranquility and protection to passengers. This measure is intended to demonstrate a commitment to the safety and well-being of its citizens and visitors. This improves the quality of service and promotes a safer environment in one of the most used transportation systems.