Conversion of vacant offices into housing to solve the shortage in BCN

Conversion of vacant offices into housing to solve the shortage in BCN

The real estate market in large cities faces significant challenges, especially with regard to the lack of affordable housing. In Barcelona, housing prices have risen in the city center. This dynamic, combined with falling demand for office space, has led to an interesting solution: converting vacant offices into housing.

The idea of converting office buildings into apartments arose from the need to find creative and sustainable solutions to the problems of space and housing in cities.

The dilemma of converting empty offices to housing

One of the most pressing challenges in large cities is the lack of available space to build new affordable housing.

Gentrification, a process in which rents rise significantly due to the attractiveness of the city center, has displaced residents to the suburbs, further increasing housing costs in previously affordable areas.

In this context, offices play an important role. The telecommuting trend, accentuated by the pandemic, has reduced the demand for office space, leading to an increase in the number of vacant office buildings.

Faced with this reality, Barcelona is taking the initiative to convert these offices into apartments as a solution to housing problems.

An international reality

The case of Barcelona is not unique, as other cities around the world have adopted similar approaches to address the underutilization of vacant office buildings.

Major cities such as London, San Francisco and New York have also begun to consider the conversion of offices into housing as a strategy to revitalize the real estate market and make more efficient use of available space.

The rise of telecommuting has significantly influenced the demand for office space. Companies have opted for hybrid work models and have made working hours more flexible, resulting in a reduction in the need for office space.

A report by EY consulting firm, points out that Barcelona has an office vacancy rate of 10%, which tends to increase in the coming months.

Regulations and taxes to incentivize transformation

The Barcelona government is looking for ways to facilitate the transformation of offices into housing. At present, housing regulations in the city require that 30% of new real estate developments be dedicated to social housing.

The transformation of offices into housing is not a simple process. The administrative process can be complicated.

For this reason, the developers have asked the Barcelona City Council and the regional authorities for a commitment to speed up the procedures related to certificates of occupancy and licenses for change of use.