Disseny Hub Barcelona presents “Patterns and Recognitions” as part of Llum BCN 2024

Disseny Hub Barcelona presents

The British studio United Visual Artists (UVA) will bring to life a unique artistic experience with its installation “Patterns and Recognitions”, a three-part composition by United Visual Artists at Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub).

This fascinating exhibition, programmed as part of Llum BCN 2024, will extend beyond the festival, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in its intriguing fusion of technology and artistic expression from February 2, 2024 through March 17.

UVA’s exhibition integrates novel technologies with traditional art forms, such as sculpture and performance, exploring the conceptual frameworks and natural phenomena that shape our cognition.

Presented at Disseny Hub Barcelona’s Sala A, “Patterns and Recognitions” consists of three distinct works, each challenging the limits of perception and interaction.

“Patterns and Recognitions”: its three parts as an exploration between art and technology.

  1. Sylent Symphony

Inspired by the ancient Greek belief that the universe emits inaudible music, “Silent Symphony” tracks resonant frequencies and cosmic synchronicities, exploring their connection to our perception of harmony. Eight custom kinetic sculptures project lights and sounds in a harmonious dance, creating complex patterns that interact with the surrounding architecture. The installation gives form to invisible forces such as gravity, materializing them in light and sound in a dynamic and ever-changing representation.

  1. Vanishing Point

Using Renaissance perspective as a tool, “Vanishing Point” redefines space and light to transform the viewer’s perception. Beams of white light projected from an invisible vanishing point draw shifting geometries and divisions in the room, challenging the conventional idea of perspective. The work is unpredictable, fluctuating between smooth and energetic movements, while the interplay between the lines of light influences the tone of the sound in a captivating three-dimensional sound field.

  1. Present Shock

“Present Shock” addresses the avalanche of data in the information age. The installation confronts the viewer with statistical clocks that represent real-time information, from shocking global events to trivial details of everyday life. This array of data challenges our perception and understanding, highlighting the speed and volume of information that defines today’s era.

“Patterns and Recognitions” protagonist of Llum BCN 2024

The exhibition, part of the Llum BCN 2024 program, will remain open at Disseny Hub Barcelona until March 17, 2024, giving visitors a unique opportunity to explore these masterpieces of the convergence between art and technology beyond the dates of the festival.

Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this unique experience that challenges the conventional boundaries of contemporary art in the midst of the traditional Llum BCN 2024 exhibition that promises to be a milestone for the city.