Florería Atlántico, the Argentine cocktail bar that arrives in Barcelona

Florería Atlántica, the Argentine cocktail bar that arrives in Barcelona

Barcelona, recognized as the epicenter of haute cuisine worldwide, welcomes the arrival of Florería Atlántico, considered the best Argentine cocktail bar in the world.

Located in the Born neighborhood, known for its leadership in the quality beverage scene in the city, Florería Atlántico is a new reference that joins the already recognized poles of Eixample Izquierdo and Raval.

The establishment is a partnership between Tato Giovannoni, owner of the renowned Florería Atlántico in Buenos Aires (ranked 18th on the World’s Best Bars list), and Diego Cabrera, the talented creator behind Salmon Guru in Madrid (ranked 15th on the same list).

Florería Atlántico is not a conventional bar

It is located under the Argentinian restaurant Brasero Atlántico, which has an industrial warehouse atmosphere and is decorated with flowers at the entrance.

Agustín Arizmendi, director of the restaurant, explains that it is a restaurant with a bar on the first floor, where the cocktail bar is located.

Although it is an Argentinean restaurant, the proposal goes beyond the traditional and offers a grill and barbecue cuisine with European influences and a strong personality.

The atmosphere of Brasero Atlántico is characterized by its sobriety, with elements such as cement, brick and wood, reflecting the essence of Argentinean grilled cuisine.

The menu surprises with delicious starters, such as gourmet sausages (white and black sausage and foie pâté) that are perfectly combined with pickled vegetables.

Frog’s legs Provençal style also stand out, soft and delicate, far superior to the fried foods typical of the Delta region.

Undoubtedly, one of the jewels of the menu are the grilled sweetbreads, which surprise with their flavor, crispy texture and perfect cooking.

This chic minimalism gives way to an abyssal excess in the culinary proposal.

Discover this magnificent cocktail bar

The Florería Atlántico cocktail bar (Av. del Marquès de l’Argentera, 19) is accessed through a staircase hidden behind a refrigerator door, as is characteristic of cocktail bars.

When descending, there is a subway bar with a baroque and excessive decoration. A sea monster skeleton, dim blue lights, illuminated fishing nets and metallic coral create a unique atmosphere.

Here, the real magic happens on the palate, with elegant and creative drinks that evolve in complexity as they are enjoyed.

If the original headquarters in Buenos Aires claims the liquid Argentinean essence, the Mediterranean branch pays tribute to the immigrants who arrived in the country.

One of the most outstanding cocktails is the French Martini, which combines French gin Gin G’Vine, French vermouth Byrhh, strawberry water and Mediterranean seaweed.