In Barcelona the Hivernacle in the Ciutadella is reborn

Hivernacle at the Ciutadella

After 14 years of abandonment, Barcelona celebrates the rebirth of the Hivernacle in the heart of the Ciutadella. Barcelona City Council has completed the refurbishment of this modernist building, marking the beginning of an ambitious project that will transform the Ciutadella into a node of science, research and knowledge.

The inauguration ceremony was led by Mayor Jaume Collboni, who highlighted the transcendence of this first step towards a future “science and citizen park.”

The resurgence of the Hivernacle

The Hivernacle, which dates back to 1888, has been restored with an investment of 2.5 million euros. This emblematic building, which is part of the city’s historical heritage, now stands as the first tangible piece of the Ciutadella del Coneixement project, an ambitious plan to consolidate a scientific knowledge center in Barcelona.

Jaume Collboni stressed that the restoration of the Hivernacle is more than an architectural renovation; it is the beginning of a transformation that will concentrate talent and resources to address fundamental social challenges, from health to the sustainability of the planet.

The Hivernacle is not alone in this transformative vision. It is part of a larger project that will have a total budget of 290 million euros, with a significant contribution from the City Council. This scientific enclave is expected to attract around 2,000 researchers, consolidating its position as a leading scientific knowledge node in Europe.

The Ciutadella del Coneixement, structured around the park, will bring together various institutions, universities and research groups. This green, heritage and scientific hub will become a magnet for knowledge and innovation.

History and future intertwined

Jaume Collboni recalled the historical connection of the Ciutadella with the Universal Exposition of 1888, when the Hivernacle was built. He compared that moment with the imminent change that the space will undergo, highlighting the continuity of Barcelona’s commitment to modernity, science and innovation.

The Hivernacle, with its renovated windows, new lighting and irrigation system, restored flooring and rescued original decorations, now houses a collection of subtropical and tropical plants. This environment will be an exhibition space for experimentation and promotion of the dissemination of the city’s natural, cultural and scientific heritage.

A transformation in five acts

The Ciutadella del Coneixement will be deployed in five main axes. The first, already underway, is a 45,000-square-meter research and innovation complex.

The second is a CSIC bioscience pole. The third, the heritage and scientific axis, includes the Hivernacle, the Castell dels Tres Dragons, the Umbracle and the Martorell Exhibition Center.

The fourth axis is the Provincial Library, planned for 2029, and the fifth is the Barcelona Zoo, which is integrated into the initiative with a focus on scientific dissemination in collaboration with universities.