The best Argentinean cocktail bar is in Barcelona

Florería Atlántica de Tato Giovannoni
Image courtesy of, all rights reserved.

Undoubtedly, Barcelona has been positioning itself as the center of the high cocktail bar, and not only in the country but in the world, but also, the Born -that neighborhood that has always been a leader in this regard- is gaining much more relevance compared to other sectors such as Eixample Izquierdo and Raval. Or at least all this is confirmed by the recent opening of what is said to be the best cocktail bar, Tato Giovanonni’s Florería Atlántico located at Av. Marquès de l’Argentera, 19.

Its first location in the city of Buenos Aires is already ranked 18th on the famous Worlds Best Bars list, and its opening in the city is thanks to a partnership with another renowned Argentine bartender: Diego Cabrera, who, as if that were not enough, is the head of another bar, Salmon Guru, located in Madrid, which is already ranked 15th on the same list of great importance worldwide.

The best cocktail bar of the moment is not from Barcelona, it is Argentinean.

It is to be expected that this is not an ordinary place, this is a restaurant with a bar that also has a cocktail bar with food. At least that’s how its director, Agustín Arizmendi, defines it. He affirms that it is an Argentinean restaurant, but it is not what people usually imagine, why?

They offer Argentinean grilled and barbecued cuisine, but in a European style and with a lot of personality. For example, in their menu you can find gourmet sausage starters: white and black sausage or foie pate that combines perfectly with pickled vegetables. In addition, there are the frogs’ legs Provençal style that are delicious, soft and very delicate.

And the cocktails?

As for the cocktail bar, you should know that you have to reach it through a hidden staircase behind a refrigerator door. It is a subway bar with blue lights, fishing nets and a perfect atmosphere to let yourself be surprised by the most elegant and creative drinks in town.

The idea behind the cocktails is clear: they want to pay homage to immigrants. For example, from France with a dry Martini or from Turkey with a vodka with figs, red cherry tea, fresh mint, coffee and many combinations of incredible flavors.

They pay tribute to Greece with a redefined Dry Martini. They prepare it with a base of macerating metaxa, which is basically Greek grape brandy, grape breeze marc, with some grape leaves and caper. So if you want to try something unique in life, this is the ideal cocktail, as its richness of flavors is simply unmatched.

Finally, you should know that the cocktails can be accompanied by dishes based on seafood, maybe you fancy the sole crudo, dill oil or crab and shrimp empanadas.