Barcelona will have the first public cemetery for pets by 2024

Barcelona will have the first public cemetery for pets by 2024

As of 2024, the city will become the pioneer in Spain by inaugurating its first public cemetery exclusively for pets. As a result, the outlook for animal lovers in Barcelona will change significantly.

This important announcement made by the Barcelona City Council, seeks to fill a gap in the funeral service for pets and respond to an unmet demand.

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With approximately 180,000 dogs living in the city and nearly 50% of families owning a pet, the need for a dignified place to say goodbye to these faithful companions has been identified.

The project plans to provide about 7,000 pet cremation services each year, mostly for dogs, cats and ferrets.

How the first public cemetery for animals will be built in Barcelona

This future pet cemetery and crematorium will be managed by Cemeteries of Barcelona and will have several essential services.

In addition to providing a comprehensive service to accompany people throughout the process, from death to cremation and, optionally, the burial of ashes, the possibility of renting rooms for emotional farewells in honor of pets that have been an important part of their owners’ lives will be offered.

The planned investment for this project is 1.1 million euros, and it is expected to be operational by the end of 2024.

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This new municipal service seeks to be a respectful tribute to the dignity of animals and the importance they have in people’s lives.

It will allow families to say a proper farewell to their beloved furry friends, thus consolidating Barcelona’s position as a city that values and respects its pets both in life and in death.

This step is a remarkable advance in the consideration of animals as important beings in our lives, not only in the aspect of welfare during their lifetime, but also in the respect and mourning they deserve after their death.

Pets as part of the family

Almost half of the families in Barcelona have a pet, underlining the importance of animals in the life of the community. For many, pets are more than just companions, they are members of the family.

Until now, the lack of adequate space to say goodbye to these beloved pets after their passing had been an unaddressed concern.

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The cemetery, located in the Collserola area, will offer cremation and burial services, allowing families to accompany their pets throughout the process.

Individual cremations will cost 200 euros, while collective cremations will offer a discount on the price. Specific rooms may also be rented for farewell ceremonies.