Identify shaded areas with the “Shadowmap” App

Identify shaded areas with the

The heat in Barcelona can be relentless and facing the scorching midday sun can be a challenge. However, for those brave enough to venture out into the streets, there is now a tool that can make a difference: the “Shadowmap” application.

This innovative App provides a solution to find relief in the heat, showing in real time the available shaded areas anywhere in the world.

The “Shadowmap” application has become an ally in this quest, allowing users to effectively identify shaded areas in the city and find cooler routes for walking.

Shadowmap: exploring shadows in real time

What exactly is “Shadowmap” and how is it used? Imagine Google Maps, but instead of showing routes and streets, this App focuses on projecting the shadows generated by buildings in real time.

Its intuitive interface allows users to visualize shaded areas anywhere in the world, which is especially useful in a city where the heat can be exhausting.

In addition, the App offers the option to observe shadows at a specific date and time, although this feature is available in the premium version.

In an interesting update, ‘Shadowmap’ has incorporated information about Barcelona’s tree cover, helping users to find the coolest places in the city.

Practical applications of the App

Here are some additional ways in which this innovative app can improve the lives of citizens:

Intelligent real estate planning

If you are looking for a new home, the App provides valuable information on how sunlight will affect different areas of the home throughout the year. This is especially useful for making informed decisions when choosing a property.

Tool for imaging professionals

Photographers and filmmakers can take advantage of “Shadowmap” to understand lighting conditions in detail before organizing photo shoots or filming. This ensures that the best images are captured under the desired lighting conditions.

Renewable energy and agriculture

“Shadowmap” has applications in the field of renewable energy and agriculture. It provides valuable information on where sunlight can be harnessed to generate energy or how to plan crops based on solar exposure.

Outdoor space planning

Restaurants and establishments can use the App to plan the arrangement of tables in outdoor spaces, allowing customers to choose between sunny or shaded areas according to their preferences.

Table reservations under the sun

Through real-time 3D sunlight simulation, the App allows customers to reserve tables on restaurant terraces according to their sun and shade preferences.